Tiqe - Facturas compartidas

by Tiqe



Tiqe helps you manage invoices in your shared flat. You will know how much you have to pay just by entering the invoice and your days of stay.An algorithm will calculate how much you have to pay for the invoice depending on your days of stay and the date range of the invoice.Tiqe is easy to use:πŸ‘― Create a group and invite your roommates.You can send an email invitation to your colleagues or create fictitious members.πŸ“… Select your days of stay on the calendar.Select the days you are on the floor. You can select a range of dates or days separately.🧾 Add the invoices to your group.Select the type of expense: Water, electricity, gas, Internet bill, cleaning service, etc.You can add up to 3 photos to the invoice.Select the invoice company: Endesa, Orange, Vodafone, etc ...Choose who pays the bill.πŸ€” Frequently asked questions πŸ€”Its free? Are there advertisements?Tiqe is totally free and will not show you annoying ads. We will not send spam to your e-mail either.How many groups and members can I create?You can create all the groups you want and add unlimited members.What if in a week there is no one on the floor? Who pays?The average amount of the days will be divided among all the members of the group.How are payments calculated?The amount to be paid for each member is calculated depending on their days of stay and the date ranges of the invoice. On days when no one is on the floor, the average amount for the day is divided among all members of the group.Can I assign another member of the group as administrator?Yes, you can assign the administrator role to one or more members of the group.What can a group administrator do?An administrator has full control over the group. You can add and remove members, change the group name, edit or delete invoices.πŸ’Œ If you have any questions or suggestions, write to us at [email protected]